Liquid spills should be soaked up immediately with absorbent tissue, preferably white, or a clean, dry cloth.
Avoid excessive rubbing and always work from the outside edges of the stain into the centre to avoid spreading. Use a blunt knife or spoon to gently scrape away any solids.
Cleaning solutions
Detergent Solution
A teaspoon of neutral detergent, such as ‘Stergene’, to half pint (quarter litre) of warm water.
Detergent/vinegar solution
Add one teaspoon of white vinegar to the above detergent solution.
Ammonia Solution
One tablespoon of household ammonia to one cup of warm water. WARNING: Always test a small ‘out of the way’ area of your carpet for colourfastness prior to tackling the stain.
Dry Cleaning Solvent
A proprietary brand of dry cleaning solvent should be used. You will also need a blunt knife and some white tissues or absorbent cloth to blot up the stain as it is released. The modern alternative is K2R, a dry spray, which is best left overnight to work on any stain before vacuuming off.
Dealing with spillages or damage
Blood, chocolate, egg, ice-cream, glue, grass, gravy, fruit
Scrape up excess with a blunt knife. Use detergent solution, starting at the outer edge and blotting dry. Follow with ammonia solution. Blot dry. Do not rub.
Milk, soft drinks
Blot up the surplus spillage. Use detergent solution, starting at the outer edge and blotting dry. Follow with ammonia solution. Blot dry. Do not rub.
Fats, shoe polish, lipstick, oil, solids, nail polish, tar, vomit, wax, grease, chewing gum
Scrape up with a blunt knife. Use dry cleaning solvent, followed by detergent/vinegar solution. Blot dry. Do not rub.
Coffee, tea, alcohol/wines, perfume, urine, liquid foods
Blot up the surplus spillage. Use detergent/vinegar solution. Work from the outer edge of the stain, using a little at a time and blotting up with dry cloths frequently. Do not rub.